Welcome to my website!

My name is Stefan Würz. I am a process engineer and my area of expertise is industrial process heat technology.


As typical tasks, I calculate combustion processes, heat exchangers and heat balances and much more that is needed when designing process applications and plants.


For all caIculations I use Microsoft Excel. The big advantage is that the calculations can be easily adapted to your needs or transferred to your programs.


In addition, I offer technical advice, individual programming and my own programs that you won't find anywhere else.


If you have a task or are curious whether and how I can support you, just contact me.

Here is a list of program developments that may be of interest for you.

Library for Fluid Properties

Fluid properties are required for almost every calculation. You can use my add-in to calculate these directly or incorporate them into your projects as a function or macro code:
Air, flue gas, individual gases, gas mixtures, heat transfer media as well as water and steam according to IAPWS.

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function Finder

Simply create approximation functions yourself from value tables. A typical application is the creation of approximation curves for fluid properties. Besides the the function graphs, the deviations are shown over the complete range, so that you can directly assess the quality of the function.

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The add-in enables you to calculate an Excel file with any input scenario. It is so easy, fast and clear that you will be amazed.
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